Still on the first day of the intelligent control course, continue to the part II, mr. Kuswadi try to discus about balance system which is the basic topic of control. Something that we discus is this equation :
Caracteristic Equation :
Roots :
From the diagram above, we know that a system have a caracteristic that if the system had at least one positive root, its system must be not stable.
After that, mr. Kuswadi give an example with a irigation system on a reservoir, there are input dam, output dam, and a reservoir which is must be on a 10 meters deep level of water. We learn that output dam is not an error of the system, but something we need on the system, its a LOAD or DISTURBANCE. Quote : "gangguan adalah sesuatu yang inheren dengan suatu sistem" which mean "disturbance is something that inheren with a system" said mr. Kuswadi. Time for the course is over, the study will be continued on the pracical session. Class dismised....
Now, at 01.30 pm we continue for the practical session with mr. Nofria Hanafi. In this session we are discussing about the topic for every groups. after we are discussing and looking for the tool we need, mr. Hanafi decided to give our group, group 5, RTSS to become our group topics. RTSS is "Robot Tangan Satu Sendi" which mean "Single Joint Arm Robot". After that we start to search any information of it and we will meet again on the next week.
Written by : Mahayoni, Firman
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